Variables & Functions Accessible inside Tornado Templates

Function Result
_ An alias for the locale.translate() function.
current_user The current_user object as returned by RequestHandler.get_current_user()
datetime The datetime module. Example: {{ }} returns the current year
escape A function that escapes a string so it is valid within XML or XHTML.
handler The request handler that called the self.render function to process the template. Example: {{handler.static_url('foo')}} will run the static_url function in RequestHandler returning a full URL path, pre-pending static_url.
json_encode A function that JSON-encodes the given Python object.
locale The locale value as returned by RequestHandler.get_user_locale().
request The request object that is passed into the Request Handler.
reverse_url Given a full module and class (myapp.Homepage) it will look at the handler to URI mapping and return the URL for the given class.
squeeze A function that replaces all sequences of whitespace chars with a single space.
static_url The value of the static_url property passed in to the application settings.
url_escape A function that returns a valid URL-encoded version of the given value.
xsrf_form_html If using the cross-site forgery protection, this function returns the hidden input field containing the xrsf variable.



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